Seven Seas

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 1:53 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author


Tabbed by

Chad Bornholdt


1st → Vocals
2nd → Lead Elect
3rd → Main Elect
4th → Bassist
5th → Percussion
6th → Wind Effect
7th → Acoustic (afterthought)

File Size

46 KB




Long a go we sail ed with fu ry A cross the o ceans of the world The le gend lives, it stays for ev er We are read y so be ware We are rul ers of the o- ceans Kings of the sev en seas We are rul ers of the o ceans Kings of the sev en seas Strong- we'll fight for king and coun try With pow er left to spare The long boat force is back a gain To take on all the world We are rul ers of the o ceans Kings of the sev en seas We are rul ers of the o ceans Kings of the sev en seas We are im mort al The glor y's in our hands For blood is our hun ger We know where we stand (Clear our way) We are rul ers of the o ceans Kings of the sev en seas (Clear our way) We are rul ers of the o ceans Kings of the sev en seas (Clear our way) We are rul ers of the o ceans Kings of the sev en seas (Clear our way) We are rul ers of the o ceans Kings of the sev en seas